Monday, September 24, 2007

Summer Is Over?!?!?!?

I should have seen this coming. All the signs were there, and apparently I was in such denial that I just ho-hummed through September. Apparently Summer ENDED yesterday! You know, when the Patriot's picked up Randy Moss this past Spring, I was only joking about bypassing the Summer. Well, friends, my wish came true because the Summer is over and all I can do is shake my head and say, "What happened?"

I compiled a list of things that I conveniently ignored, that really would have softened this blow. I'm sure many of you noticed all these transitions and were fully prepared for another Summer's demise. I can only hope that before I find myself waking up to 12 inches of snow that I have to shovel, that ONE of you warns me about winter!

Top Ten Reason Why I Should Have Known Summer Was Over:
10) Women in the city are walking around in Uggs.
9) Brady to Moss...again, and again, and again, and it COUNTS!
8) I helped my father-in-law close up the pool.
7) It's fricking freezing in the morning.
6) A family of turkeys were frolicking in my backyard.
5) It's dark out by 6:30 pm.
4) There's an abundance of Octoberfest beers at the packy.
3) I've already purchased my Halloween costume.
2) Everyone I know is going apple picking.
1) My parent's asked me what our Thanksgiving plans were.

1 comment:

A Boston Bride said...

Yeah, you bought your Halloween costume back in July.

Turkeys in the yard, really???