Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Men's Room Etiquette - You Knew This Was Coming...

If there was ever a pet peeve of mine, it's men's room etiquette. I have no idea what goes on in the women's room, and honestly ignorance is bliss when it comes to that domain. I like to believe women don't grunt, poop or wipe their ass (not necessarily in that order). I'm actually happier believing that the women's room is just a room with mirrors where women can bitch about men (and according to Hollywood, do lots of cocaine).

For the men who find it completely acceptable to make small talk while expelling internal bodily waste through external orifices - this test is for YOU. If you fail, then take it again...and again...AND AGAIN! I want this branded into your grey matter, so if ever our paths may cross in the men's room you'll know the rules.

You May Begin The Test Below:
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