Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Benefits Of Inviting Me To Your Summer Cookout

Every summer, the Mrs and I host a handful of gatherings. Whether it be just a cookout, a pre-concert swill-fest or birthday party; we like bringing folks together. We've also NEVER discriminated, so if your cousin Ezekiel from Alabama, whose idea of B.Y.O.B. is a pickle jar filled with Moonshine is in town then bring him along. The more the merrier and all we've ever asked is that you take responsibility for yourself...and Ezekiel.

Whatever the event, we have always used as many means as possible to "spread the word". We encourage others to bring others and tell others. When it's go-time it's the usual suspects who end up coming over and as long as usual suspects stay usual, then any event is always a success.

Which brings me to those who don't attend. I naturally assume that you just have something better to do, and I'm not offended. What confuses me is when we hear second-hand of a gathering hosted by someone we know, to be attended by usual suspects, and we're not thrown a courtesy invite. In fact, I take great pleasure in making hosts feel very uncomfortable and guilty about the snub. Does a guilt invite hold less weight than a legit one? Nope! If anything it holds more weight, because we're not even supposed to be at this shindig. I proved that the host does not have to stones to say, "No, you can't come!"

So to avoid further personal embarrassment and loss of pride, just invite us to your stupid cookout, birthday party, brew-ha, or whatever excuse you have to enjoy a summer day. I guarantee that we're potty trained and that there will be people there who are happy to see us. You'll also continue to receive our own courtesy invites...even if you have something better to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Spiteful much? Sometimes you can't be the life of the party. You'd probably have more fun without people staring at you whispering , "yeah that's the guy"