Monday, August 20, 2007

Summer Camping Trip Recap

I've been sitting on this blog for a week now, while I waited for the photo evidence. The Mrs. and I shipped Baby G to the Grandparent's house, so that we could accompany The Usual Suspects on a camping adventure deep in the woods of New Hampshire. Armed with 130 beers, 24 Twisted Teas, a bottle of Bacardi, a box-o-wine, a watermelon, 12 hockey-puck burgers, 6 hot dogs, an enormous tub of cheese doodles, a wiffleball set and a list of do's/don'ts, ten of us braved the elements and bugs at MP's family cabin.

There was definitely something endearing about the cabin. Maybe it was the history of the cabin, the pictures on the walls, the outhouse, the creepy well from "The Ring", or just being amongst friends preparing to inflict massive amounts of damage to our livers. For some, their livers were the least of their worries. Throughout the 24 hours there were smashed heads, broken pinkies, disgusting spider bites and veggie-burgers. All-in-all, we adhered to at least half of the rules, had to some good laughs and made it back to Massachusetts alive. Here are some highlight pictures of the trip:
"Welcome to our Summer villa!"
"We're all having a swell time!"
"International sign to ward off evil spirits."
"I'm done, the outhouse is all yours."
"Step, one, two, step, three, four..."
"We prefer slow-dancing, thanks."
"International sign to ward off P.D.A.'s!"
"Do you know who 'The Man' is?"
"Wait a minute...It's 6:00 AM?!?!?"
"Try to send us to rehab...We said No, No, No!"
"I think my pinkie is broken.."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps if the women were topless then the weekend would be perfect.