Thursday, July 23, 2009

Can This Possibly Be Real?

Note To All The Superfriends: You know when I said that I'd take a bullet for you...well, I didn't mention anything about an arrow.

This can't be real, right? I know folks in the US are pretty conservative compared to other countries. I mean, for the most part our women shave their legs and armpits. The men have the courtesy of NOT wearing a speedo at the beach. I think this goes way beyond any cultural differences we have with other countries. If someone suggested doing a stunt like this on "America's Got Talent" it would definitely be shot down right (no pun intended)? If it is real, then these guys MUST have had some cocktails before the audition to calm the nerves. How about arrow-shooter-guy continuing to aim to his victim when he went to get the can off the desk? You're telling me the shooter is so focused that his fingers couldn't slip and nail that blond chick right between her hairy pits?

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