Tuesday, July 3, 2007

What Happens In The Boro, Stays In The Boro!

Middleborough officials, facing criticism from residents that their tentative deal with the Mashpee Wampanoag Indian tribe failed to bring enough money to town coffers, are now demanding that the tribe pay at least $250 million for new roads and utilities, and a percentage of the casino's annual slot machine revenues --which is significantly more than the proposal that first floated last month.

If you haven't heard, there has been negotiations regarding the construction of a casino in Middleborough. Since some of The Usual Suspects used to reside in "The Boro", I know first-hand that Middleborough is big in size, but with a old-time, small town feel. Are the resident's scared that a casino will turn their "small community" into "sin city"? Are all the hookers strutting their cankles around the Taunton Green going to migrate over to "The Boro Strip"? I would think that Middleborough would want to be known as something more than a piss-stop on the way to the Cape. I recently saw a virtual-reality image of the proposed casino, and I think it shows a lot of promise:
Slots, poker, craps, beer, box-o-wine, tampons, diapers, NyQuil, car wash and McDonald's!!! This place would have it all. I could totally see myself driving to Taunton to pick up rent, heading down Route 44 a bit and finding myself doubling The Tenant's money. I could even bring Baby G, so she can take a ride on the green brontosaurus! Come on Middleborough - stop being money-grubbing playa-haters and let the Injuns build their little casino. Now if only they could recruit Don Rickles to be a Pit Boss...

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