Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Over The River And Through The Woods...

This upcoming weekend, the Mrs. and I are accompanying The Usual Suspects, as well as some Yahoos, on a camping trip in New Hampshire. Our accommodations are at the JMP campsite, that up until NOW, we were not allowed to go to. From first-hand accounts of this cabin, I've been able to provide a pretty accurate rendition of the location:

Swanky! This, of course is actually the cabin used to film the legendary film, The Evil Dead.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with The Evil Dead, it is the story of a group of friends who take a trip into the woods to booze, eat and be merry. Unfortunately for these friends, they accidentally unleash an invisible evil force with the power to possess the living, and they all die in awful and comedic ways, except for the hero - Ash (played by cult favorite Bruce Campbell).

I am certain that we'll find some interesting artifacts at our location, but I am confident that common sense will prevail in certain situations. Here are some basic rules that will keep our little camping trip fun for all:

1) If you stumble across this book, don't read it - just leave it be:

2) If you have to go #2, maybe it's best NOT to dig a hole:

3) If Rule #1 gets broken and you turn into a zombie, look directly into the sun (zombies hate that):

4) If Rule #1 gets broken, and Rule #3 gets ignored, find nearest decapitation utensil:

5) Finally, if there happens to be one, don't go down into the basement:

Fun camping is safe camping - Don't be a victim of irony!

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